Sunday, February 11, 2007

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I use to have a clear complexion but in my late teen years they just started to POP all over my face. I then started using Proactiv and it worked for the first couple of years but now it just seems impossible for them to go away and stay away!!!! How do I get these ugly looking red and white things off my face and keep them off?

First things first, what are pimples and what causes them?
A pimple is a type of skin lesion, a lesion is abnormal tissue caused by inflamed/obstructed pores. Pores are openings to a gland that secretes oil which helps to protect the surface of our skin. Our pores creates this sticky sebum. When our skin sheds it sticks together because of the sebum and stays on our skin. Our pores then gets clogged. Our lovely white blood cells then fights against the bacteria and rushes behind the blockage, and a pimple is then created. If the white blood cells reaches the top of our skin surfaces that’s why we have white heads. When the bacteria is defeated and infection is prevented.

To keep them off of my face takes a lot of hard work!!!! I pretty much have to be sure that my face doesn't touch anything dirty--pillow cases, my hair, my hands, I need to protect it from the sun, but most importantly I have to watch my diet.

Food that are pimple prone
Oily-Fatty Food
Junk Food (no Miki D’s for me)
Margarines and other hydrated fats
Fried and grilled food
Soft Drinks

For cleansing, I use Proactiv and it works OK, I am still trying to research organic cosmetics because I want to use something more natural on my skin. Any suggestions or tips on tackling pimples, please let me know.

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